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Prophet Juno Arp-like Synths in MilkyTracker

How to reproduce fat sounding synths in MilkyTracker?
Simple! Let’s take raina’s amazing Cyberculosis.xm as example.
All you need is this:

A mono 8 or 16bit sample:

Then type some notes into MilkyTracker, and end up with this:

A stereo synth-ARP with portamento, accents & bass layer:

If we open the XM file in MilkyTracker, we can actually see exactly what is going on:

NOTE: various effects ‘remember’ the last setting, see docs. This means that A00 actually triggers the last value (A01).

Techniques used:

Bottomline: space and depth can be achieved by this 2 pingpong-delay technique, without needing a reverb.

Alternative approach (to save channels):

Listen to the whole song

raina - Cyberculosis